Wednesday 4 December 2013

week 9- plan for the next four weeks

Week One
Have assets for garage scene modelled and textured.
Have main scene blocked.

Week Two
Start modelling LAV (blocking out the proportions)
Start modelling the Hammer

Week Three
Start Texturing Hammer.
Begin developing different textures for hammer.

Week Four
complete LAV model
Unwrap LAV model

week 9- speed tree

Speed Tree task complete. 

week 9- hammer progress

Textured hammer

Friday 29 November 2013

Week 9- Update on other portfolio pieces

Here are some of my work in progress models that i will be creating as my portfolio pieces. At the moment the LAV (Light Armoured Vehicle) is being blocked out with simple shapes. I have created the Body and the main cannon. I will be adding extra devices onto this model before i start to texture it. my other piece (war hammer) has been modelled as a low poly at this stage. I will be taking it into Zbrush and adding damage and cracks into the mesh then baking them down to a normal map.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Week 9 Sketch and work in progress portfolio pieces

This week we were given the task to either sketch a piece of scenery or a portrait of a individual. For my piece i decided to sketch a piece of scenery. This scene consisted of large tree structures and empty field. My initial sketch plan was to layout the perspective on to the paper. I would then carry on and start to fill the scene in with vegetation. I believe if i had more time i would not have come out with a better and more accurate sketch.

Update on portfolio work

As mentioned before, i have modelled most assets that will be included in the scene. I have now textures most of them. At this stage the buggy has still not been texture. Currently i am ahead of my schedule. I have also been working on my weapon and my LAV which i will upload to this same post shortly.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Week 8 - architectural sketches

This week i have been going around my home town of Huddersfield and decided to sketch section of them. The reason why i decided to sketch sections was because of the scale of the building and the perspective from which i was examining the structures from.

Friday 8 November 2013

week 6- tantrum cartoon

For this weeks homework task we were asked to recreate a cartoon image where a child is having a tantrum.

Thursday 7 November 2013

week 6- In-class assignment

This week for our in class assignment, i was required to create a matte painting within an hour. My final result and my PSD file can be found in the zip file i have just uploaded.

Due to blogger not allowing me to upload the file, please download it from here:

Sunday 3 November 2013

Week 5- Matte Painting and Lighting

For this weeks homework assignment we were given the task to complete a tutorial in which we would be creating a matte painting from various other images. Once we would complete that, we would have to create our own and see what the outcome was. For my own piece I decided to use mount Fuji and some fishermen as my basis for my fantasy themes image collaboration. I would then add a nebula and various planets to the scene to create a spectacular scene.

For the lighting piece I decided to use my formula 1 car that i created for my personal task to use in my lighting test. I believe that the over all outcome is create with the various shadows created by the cars curves and straight edges. The image may seem low quality because of the blogger up-loader so i do apologise. 

Thursday 31 October 2013

Week 5-Architecture/Character

This weeks in class assignment was either to sketch (digital) a character or to create a piece of architecture. I decided to create a small warehouse. To create this i used the CSG brushes in UDK and created the materials for it. 

Sunday 27 October 2013

Week 5- Homework Assignment

Last week were assigned to recreate a piece in UDK by only using the CSG brush and materials from UDK or of your own. I went a decided to create my own material, though they were not hundred percent accurate to the image, they were much closer than the pre-sets found in UDK. I create 4 sets of materials. A yellow concrete texture for the buildings, a stone texture for the tower, a tile texture for the roof and finally a metal texture for what seems to be a dust bin.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Week 4- Garage work in progress

For the past couple of week i have been working on modelling the assets for my garage scene (portfolio piece). At this stage i am still cleaning up the model and trying to get as much detail in them. I believe i can still achieve great detail and then bake them down. 

Week 4- Inspiring Artists

This week we looked into artists that we admire. My personal favorites are Josh Nizzi and Stan Winston. Josh Nizzi was the concept artist for the transformers movies. His designs have a good mixture of organic and metallic textures. His silhouettes for his characters and the emotions he gives them in his pieces are expressed really well. The second artist that i have selected is Stan Winston. Stan has created many sculptures and set pieces which are beautifully crafted and well detailed.


Friday 18 October 2013

Week 3

Lighting Inspiration

I have selected these three images as my inspiration for lighting. The lighting of the garage scene shows and teases of the beauty of the assets in the scene. The next image is of a sci fi hall scene. This scene intrests me as it has a mysterious feel to it yet shows of a lot of detail. the third image is from Killzone: Shadow Fall. The reason why i chose this is because of the lush green colour and the sunlight combining to create such interesting and pleasing scene. The dark areas compliment that bright sections that are exposed to the sunlight really well.

Week 2

Hi guys, i have decided on the three assets/environments that i will recreate or attempt to simulate the same type of object through 3D modelling and texturing.

The first object is a garage which will be created from multiple objects. This scene will have a old rugged look to represent wear a tear.

The second object is a dual ended sword. The image that i have selected is the base art style that i wish to follow. My design will have a more katana style look.

The third and final object is a tank. The tank that i will create will follow the base of a m1 abram tank, however, the weapons and defence systems will be customised and not standard issue.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Week One

Hi my name is Muzafar Ahmed. I am a Games design student at the university of Huddersfield. Each week i will be posting updates regarding my work in my Visual Design module.

Thanks for reading

Muzafar Ahmed